INa growing kayak community, Rana Spesialsport has a large network of guides
with broad expertise.
We offer several types of courses. Look at our course overview to find courses that suit you. All courses, in addition to courses already set up, can be set up on request.
We offer the following courses under the auspices of the Norwegian Padelforbund in 2023:
-Intro course Kayaking
-Basic course Sea
-Technical course Sea
-Activity management course Ocean
IN in addition, we offer rollerblading courses, refresher courses, courses in the use of Greenland oars and courses in wave paddling. The latter do not give a wet card, but nevertheless skills that will give you even more fun in the kayak.

NPF Basic sea kayak course
16 hour basic course where you learn a lot of basics about using a kayak, rescue techniques should something go wrong, assessment of weather and wind conditions, trip planning and simply become a better sea paddler. Necessary equipment that can be rented: Boat, oar, dry or wet suit+ shoes, splash cover, vest, hood, gloves.
Practical information, prices and a link to registration can be found by clicking on the date. You can find the Padleforbundet's information about the coursehere

Introductory course
Introductory course in sea kayaking for those who have little or no experience in kayaking. You can find a rough plan for the courseon the padelforbunden's website, but our course has been extended with thorough buddy and self rescue as well as trip planning with an assessment of weather and wind. Very popular with companies and larger groups.

NPF Technical course sea kayaking
welcome toNPF technical course sea. Here you learn a little more about safety, technique and treatment of the kayak equipment so that you can paddle with friends and explore life at sea with a good ballast in terms of technique and safety. The course lasts 16 hours and provides the necessary skills to move on the sea even when it's windy, when the sea fog sets in or when you suddenly find yourself in an unfamiliar area. Qualification requirements: Basic marine course.

Activity management course
Content NPF Activity leader course
Requirements for participation:
Basic course
Technical course
Master mate and self rescue
Group overview
Able to navigate in sheltered waters
Should have basic first aid course
Duration: approx. 16 hours spread over 2 days.

Rolling course
Rolling course for those who want to learn their first roll and you who have mastered rolling with an oar and want to hand roll or roll with a forward finish..
The course itself consists of small sessions on land and a lot of training in water. We work in pairs at all times where one secures while the other practices his rolls. If you get the rolls easily, we will of course teach you more complicated variations over time, but the main goal is to get a good and safe standard roll, preferably for both sides.
We recommend that everyone use their own boat and equipment as this is what you use on a daily basis, but if your boat is hopelessly unrollable, it is of course possible to hire equipment from us.
Necessary equipment: Boat, oar, dry or wet suit + shoes, splash cover, vest.
Recommended equipment: Hood, diving mask, gloves, something hot to drink, a piece of chocolate or something to put in your mouth. Oar bag.